For the basic What, Where, When and Who – take a look at our front page. For everything else, read on...

What's this all about?
This is a fun event to give you an opportunity to visit London in a slightly 'different' way. If you are a keen sports person and want to find a reason or event to help you train then we hope you will sprint around the streets in search of checkpoints, others may want to take a more leisurely pace and enjoy the sights and sounds whilst walking or on the bus. We thought we would add an egg and spoon into the mix to bring back memories of a school sports day and brighten up a winter's one. Ultimately, we are raising funds for Soundmix so if you like the look of the organisation and want to donate more than just your entry fee there will be an opportunity on the day.

Do I really have to balance an egg on a spoon for several hours?

Nope. That'd get pretty annoying.

There is a “Traditional” egg and spoon race to start – just like the ones at school – that you'll do over a short distance (hundred yards or so) in a relay. After that, you're free to chase around London looking for checkpoints and then the rules loosen a little.

For the remainder of the race your egg and spoon just have to be on display. That means, for example, that one of you could carry the egg in your hand and the other take the spoon. You can't, however, bury the egg in a rucksack or wrap it up in your pocket. That would be too easy!

I love eggs but I hate running. Can I come?

You bet. You don't have to even jog if you don't want to and you could still be in with a chance of winning.

There'll be checkpoints at a range of distances from the start with points given accordingly. If you just want to pootle around the Clapham area then you could just collect lots of the smaller, more obscure checkpoints.

How exactly do I score points?

There are three ways to rack up points:

1. Photo Opportunities:
You'll get a Challenge Sheet which will list checkpoints all around the Capital. You can score points by taking a photograph of your team-mate carrying their egg and spoon at any of these points. We don't expect anyone to reach all of the checkpoints but the more you visit and the further away they are, the more points you'll get.

2. Location-Specific Questions (LSQs):
Also on your Challenge Sheet will be a list of questions linked to specific location (e.g. "What is the name of the Coffee Shop next to Bond Street tube station?"). To get these points you need to visit a specific location and record your answer on the Challenge Sheet.

3. Egg Preservation:
Your primary mission is to protect your egg at all costs. Your egg will be examined by judges at the finish line and points will be deducted for any damage caused.

Isn't three and a half hours rather a long time for a race?

Well, yes, it would be if you tried to run flat out but it's not really that kind of race.

You get points for reaching checkpoints rather than pure speed so if you're clever, know your way around London or find a Tube line that's running well, you'll get a big score without breaking too much of a sweat.

Also, although we expect people to be competing, we also hope you'll be having fun. That means there should be time for a sit down and a quick sandwich/chocolate bar/glucose tablet when you get tired.

Oh, and you can of course return before 2pm, but that means less time to collect points…

Won't it be a bit unfair if I run everywhere and someone else just jumps on a bus?

Have you ever seen how fast buses go in Central London!?

We'll do our best to spread the checkpoints so that you're in with a chance of winning whether you run, walk, take public transport or any combination thereof.

Obviously trains and buses will be much quicker on some stretches but then with running/walking you can avoid ticket machines, traffic and delays. We reckon it'll be pretty well balanced.

Can I bring my bike, or maybe drive the course?

Oh, how unsporting! Bikes are out as it would be impossible to concentrate on the road and cycle safely whilst holding an egg and spoon, and well, taxis and cars just aren't fair...

Is it OK if I SuperGlue / Blue-Tack / selotape / tie / Velcro my egg to my spoon?

No, ya big cheater!

For the “Traditional” race at the start, you can't touch the egg until you cross the finish line. For the rest of the race, see “Do I really have to balance an egg on a spoon for several hours?” above.

Do I need to bring my own egg and spoon?

Nah, we'll give you those. A big old spoon and a decorated hard-boiled egg with your team's number marked on it.

What happens if I drop my egg?

We'll collect your egg at the end of the race and you'll lose points for any damage to it.

So, if you drop your egg or squeeze it a little bit tight in the excitement and the shell cracks, you'll get a bit of a penalty. But, even if you lose it (how!?) then you can still finish and get points from elsewhere.

(N.B. Your egg will be decorated and have your team's number on it so you can't just buy half a dozen at the supermarket before the finish line, smarty pants!)

Will the eggs be Free Range?

Of course.

If I get hungry during the race, can I eat my egg?

Er, I wouldn't recommend it, no. Keeping well fed and hydrated is important but you'll be in Central London so I'm sure it won't come to egg consumption for survival.

Can I enter alone?

For safety reasons… and because we think it's more fun, you have to enter as a pairs or team of three.

I'm under 18, can I join in with my friends?

Of course... as long as your friends are over 18. Teams must have at least one member that is over the age of 18 at the time of the race.

Who are Soundmix?

Soundmix is a music project based in Brixton, South London, working with young people from the Refugee Council who have no family support in the UK. The young people learn music skills previously denied to them in their own countries. To hear some of the music they have produced visit their MySpace page or read more about the Project here.

Faaantastic! Where do I sign up?

Not answered your question? Drop us a line.